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The Problem With Repetition in Special Education

Tuesday, August 22, 2017 | 12:00 AM

When you earn an online Master of Education in Special Education degree, 你将完成关于教育特殊教育学生的最佳方法的课程, including children affected by autism.

虽然传统观念认为重复是教育自闭症学习者最有效的方法, a recent study contests this idea. 这项新的研究表明,重复并不是教育自闭症学生的最佳方式,教授特殊教育学生的教师在与自闭症儿童打交道时可能需要改变他们的治疗方法和干预措施.

Overview of the Study

This study, conducted by a team of international scientists, followed 20 adults with autism and 19 adults without autism. The study was broken into two phases. 第一阶段要求10名自闭症患者和9名非自闭症患者在电脑屏幕上找到三条对角线. The lines were surrounded by horizontal lines. For four days, 科学家们反复测量每个参与者寻找对角线的速度和准确性. 科学家们发现,两组人——自闭症患者和非自闭症患者——做得一样好.

但在第五天,科学家们将这些线条移到了屏幕上的不同位置. The participants with autism had a harder time finding the new lines, and on each subsequent day of the test, they became slower and less accurate. During the next phase of the study, 参与者以“虚拟屏幕”的形式在练习中休息,” in order to rest their visual systems. Both groups did equally well, 研究人员观察到,自闭症患者的准确性和速度都有所提高.

科学家们假设,头四天的“操练”练习对自闭症患者产生了负面影响. Furthermore, 他们怀疑自闭症患者通过重复的过程形成了固定的学习经验, 这影响了他们学习线条的第二个位置的能力. 当科学家给第二组提供不那么严格的体验时, the group with autism showed increased learning.

New Recommendations Resulting From the Study

科学家们得出结论,自闭症患者在停止重复时表现得更好. This allows the brain’s processing systems to rest, ensuring that the individual does not become overstimulated. 科学家们还建议教师采取灵活的方法来教授自闭症患者. This includes taking breaks from repetitive activities, 交替的学习过程和使用真实的教学场景,使学生能够学习新技能并接受变化.

在线特殊教育硕士学位的考生将学习到最新的特殊教育学生教学建议, based on the most recent educational research.

Learn about University of Texas Rio Grande Valley online M.Ed. in Special Education degree program.


Disability Scoop: Repetition May Hinder Learning in Those With Autism


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